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发布时间:2020-08-27 18:43 阅读次数:


曹翌佳 1, 2 刘伟 1, 2 王靖岱 1, 2 阳永荣 1, 2


2.浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江 杭州 310027



中图分类号:TQ021 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0438-1157(2008)00-0000-00

Agglomeration detection based on attractor comparison method in Horizontal Stirred Bed Reactors

CAO Yijia1, 2   LIU Wei1, 2   HE Yijun1, 2   WANG Jingdai1, 2   YANG Yongrong1, 2

  1. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering;

  2. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,Zhejiang,China


Abstract: A method for agglomeration detection based on attractor comparison by using acoustic 

emission (AE) sensors is presented. The method is based on the comparison of time series of AE 

signals acquired form a normal state with time series measured during operation of the bed. The 

nature of the method is whether two time series are generated by the same mechanism. A 

statistical characteristic S is used to test the null hypothesis that two multidimensional probability 

distributions are identical. indicates with more than 95%confidence that the agglomeration in the reactor have formed. The 

results from lab-scale experiments show that the method is sensitive to small changes in the 

particle-size distribution when the AE sensors were located at the optimal position and the original 

signals had been pretreated, for examples, denoising and normalization, etc. Thus, the 

agglomeration in HSBR could be quickly and exactly detected online by the acoustic emission 

technique, which also indicates that the method has the potential to apply in large industrial plant. 

Key words: Agglomeration; horizontal stirred bed reactor (HSBR); polypropylene; acoustic 

emission (AE); attractor comparison

引 言 

卧式搅拌床反应器(Horizontal Stirred Bed Reactor, HSBR)是近年来聚丙烯生产工艺中较为先进的反应器之一[1-2]。急冷的丙烯单体以液体的相态通过喷嘴均匀喷洒在床层表面,并通过气化潜热带走反应过程中的聚合热。 相比于气相流化床而言,卧式反应器内液态物质的存在增加了聚合物颗粒结块的可能性。在聚合过程中,由于急冷液或催化剂分布不均,反应器床层内部容易形成局部“热点”,若不及时采取措施,聚合物粉料有可能熔融而形成各种结块,从而影响装置的稳定生产。

近年来,聚烯烃工艺中对聚合物颗粒结块的检测大多集中于气相流化床,主要的检测方法主要包括以下几种:压力脉动测量。此方法只对占整床质量 5%以上的结块敏感[3],应用范围较窄;静电测量[4]。一般通过静电测量仪实现,但需要与其它方式(如温度测量)相结合才能做出判断;温度测量。该方法只能检测粘壁结块;操作参数测量。如催化剂加料器的加料曲线,反应器流化密度曲线等,这些方法大多无固定标准,更多依靠人为经验的判断[5]。因此,如何方便、快捷、准确、环保地实现卧式搅拌床反应器内结块的在线检测是一个亟待解决的问题。

声发射(acoustic emission, AE)技术作为无损检测中较为先进的技术之一,近年来已被广泛地应用于各种流程工业中系统状态以及有关物理化学变化的检测[6]。本文利用声发射技术,通过采集卧式搅拌釜内声信号,并借助吸引子比较法建立了结块检测模型,该方法通过与正常状态的声发射信号比较从而对当前状态进行判断,期望得到结块加入前后不同的声发射信号特征,进而提出声发射技术检测卧式搅拌釜结块的通用性判据,从而为工业应用奠定基础。