清诚云 淘宝 ENG Русский


发布时间:2020-08-27 19:37 阅读次数:


李波1,郭 力2





中图分类号:TQ164 文献标识码:A


Experimental Study on the Acoustic Emission of High speed DeepGrinding of Engineering Ceramics

LI B01  GUO Li2

(1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan Univ, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China;

2. College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hunan Univ, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China)

Abstract: An acoustic emission (AE) test rig with signal acquisition virtual instrument system has been de-veloped for engineering ceramics high speed deep grinding. By using the AE test rig, the AE signals of the high speed deep grinding of partially stabilized zirconium (PSZ) and alumina were studied. And the changes of AEsignals with different grinding parameters in the grinding of the PSZ and the alumina were analyzed. The AE signals were compared before and after the dressing of the grinding wheel. The results have indicated that thestrength of AE increases slightly under super high wheel speed and large depth of cut. The AE effective value in-creases with the workpiece feedrate. It can be a good choice for grinding engineering ceramics in high efficiencyand lower costs to use super high wheel speed, large depth of cut and relative small workpiece feedrate. The AE signal may also be used for the on- line monitoring of grinding wheel wear.

Key words:acoustic emission; high speed deep grinding; engineering ceramic; signal processing; monitoring。

工程陶瓷因具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨损、高强度和轻质量等显著特点,最近二十多年来在航空航天、电子、机械等领域得到广泛应用。磨削是工程陶瓷最常用的精密加工技术。资料表明[1]:磨削加工的费用占到了工程陶瓷制品总费用的80%.所以,为了提高磨削加工的效率、降低加工成本,采用高效磨削加工陶瓷为大势所趋.以砂轮超高速、大切深为标志的高速深磨”’技术正在陶瓷加工领域迅猛发展。工程陶瓷高速磨削过程的监测非常重要,而声发射(acoustic emission,AE)技术作为一种在线智能无损监测方法,自从1984年被引入磨削研究领域以来,监测磨削质量、磨削过程等都取得了满意的效果”。1.文献[3]中研究了磨削过程中产生的各种声发射源,指出当砂轮与工件弹性接触、砂轮粘接剂破裂、砂轮磨粒崩碎、砂轮磨粒与工件摩擦、工件表面出现裂纹等均可发射出弹性波.这些因素和工件材料、磨削条件、砂轮表面的状态等因素都有着密切的关系.这就使得可以通过检测声发射信号的变化来对磨削状态进行判别。一般而言。声发射越强,变化越大。则对磨削质量的损害就越大。所以,应采取措施尽量降低磨削过程中的声发射值。但是,对于工程陶瓷高速深磨过程中声发射全面而又深入的实验研究,目前还设有文献报道;监测声发射信号源的信号特征的获取及声发射信号的处理方法是在线监测磨削加工的难点;声发射在磨削领域的应用仍处于实验研究阶段,离实际应用还有一定的距离。

