清诚云 淘宝 ENG Русский


发布时间:2020-08-27 19:39 阅读次数:


马建峰   王信义


关键词:铣刀磨损  小波分析  模糊控制器

中图分类号:TB24    文献标识码:A   文章编号:1671—3133(2001)10—0038—03

Tool wear monitoring on milling based on wavelet analysis and fuzzy control theory

Ma Jianfeng, Wang Xinyi

Abetract   This paper developes  a method to monitor the tool wear on milling. In this paper, we use an acoustic emission sensor for signal acquisition;use wavelet transfom for signal feature extraction, the features is the scaling coefficient and the wavelet offcients of AE sig-nal; employ Sugeno fuzzy controller to recognize the features above corresponding to dferent amount of tool wear , the output of the controller is the tool wear( in mm) .

Key words:Tool wear of miling tool     Wavelet analysis   Fuzzy cotroller

刀具的磨损与破损监控检测系统一般由信号检 测、特征生成(信号处理)与特征提取、状态识别、决策。

